A New School Year Begins - Carpe Diem

As we began the new school year, we were faced with new challenges, but also with new opportunities. One of the things that became very clear to us from the start, was that we needed to make the most out of every opportunity;
- carpe diem - "seize the day".
There are many reasons for a renewed attitude and commitment.
A few of them that comes to mind immediately are:
1)The nature of our work deals with the common condition of the human soul; lost and without God in a dying world.
2) Many of The families that we serve in the various apartment communities are also very impoverished and are frequently under the cloud of eviction. For example, In one particular complex all but one of the families we served last year were evicted or moved.
3) The present economic condition has caused increased anxiety and worsened the sense of helplessness among children and parents with limited resources.

I could go on and on listing more challenges, but that would not help much. What is needing in these communities are people willing to answer THE CALL TO CARE for others. People who "do not merely look out for your own personal interest, but also for the interest of others." - Philippians 2:4.

I am humbly asking that our christian brothers and sisters, and Churches in the various communities, to CARE as Jesus did and does. To take action on behalf of our Lord by investing in the fields of souls around them out of obedience to His command. Our Lord Jesus Christ lived out his own teaching on the Good Samaritan, the master and servants with his talents; Our attitude and actions should be just like Jesus. Philippians 2:5. Would you partner with us today? call me Min. Joseph Scott, Sr. @ 678-941-9780 or 404-455-6605. All Pray, some can Give, and some can Join our action team.

To join with us by giving: Send your tax deductible Contribution to: The North American Mission Board PO Box 116543 Atlanta, GA 30368 Designate: "For Joseph Scott,Sr. Acct# 9266" - Community Missions projects in your check's memo line.
To partner with us in an apartment community we will be happy to have your help. Call me @ 404-455-6605 or 678-941-9780.
Regarding prayer Jesus said: "Men ought always to pray, and not to faint" As we pray, please join us in praying.


Communities in Transformation with Community Missions Services helping children and youths in Atlanta apartment communities. Building relationships, instilling valuable life skills and training for present and future leadership development. Pray for us. Pray for more christian volunteers and churches in the communities to partner with us.

Building Relationships -Through Sports

Community Missions - Backyard Volleyball Camp. Building Relationships. Promoting Positive interactions. Grownups and Children playing and having fun together. Learning about success through teamwork and cooperation. The Backyard Volleyball camp is Part of our Physical Education program here in Metro-Atlanta.

Volleyball is a great game for building character. Individuals who learn how to excel in volleyball can also develop habits and attitudes which will help them succeed in other areas of life. Volleyball players learn the value of teamwork because success and teamwork in volleyball are inseparable. The rules of the game require participants to adhere to high standards of conduct and to respect officials and opponents during competition when emotions are difficult to contain. Volleyball combines a high degree of physical exertion and safety. volleyball is the only sport that combines all of these features. Perhaps this is why volleyball is the second most widely played game in the world.


The Work of Community missions Services is all about meeting people where they are today and directing them to God’s desire for their life right now and in their future. Please remember us in prayer: 1) For guidance from God through the Holy Spirit to share his heart with people everywhere. 2) For the salvation of those we minister to in their communities. 3) For our spiritual walk and growth through time spent with God in private prayer. 4) For balance in our family life and in developing wise relationships. 5) For financial provision to meet personal and ministry needs. We appreciate the opportunity from First Baptist Church Atlanta very much, to highlight our local missions ministries. "It is God who is working in you, making you willing to obey Him and giving you all that you need to accomplish His good purpose" Philippians 2: 13. (Paraphrased)

Hunting Eggs and Hearing about God's Love

Oh yes! we sure do celebrate Easter. We do not celebrate paganism as some would suggest. For us it's all about Love in demonstration. Caring, sharing, serving. Finding a need and filling it, finding a hurt and healing it. It is a season of renewal and remembrance. Just As we see the flowers bloom in hope of a new life, we also embrace the Love of God which he demonstrated in giving his only sinless son to die and then be resurrected for us.
"For God so loved the world that He gave his only sinless son to die for us, and whosoever believes in him, would not perish but receive everlasting life through him" John 3:16...... "My friends, if this is the way God loved us, we must also love one another" 1John 4:11. Love protects from danger and through acts of kindness provides opportunities for others to prosper. Accept God's love today and you will receive the benefits He promised.

A Profile of Toni Branyon

Toni Branyon, is the director and co-founder of C.I.T. As an elementary school teacher for 26 years, she was always surrounded by children. Toni earned a Master's Degree in elementary education from Auburn University and has dedicated much of her life to training children. Toni's commitment to helping children reach their full potential led her to working with community after-school programs. In 2002, Toni became the director of a community center, which provided numerous programs to children in the inner city. Through Toni's love and determination for the community members, the program and children flourished.

Toni's work also led her to volunteering at her childhood camp. While there, she reconnected with Trudy Cathy White, which eventually led her to the Lifeshape Foundation. Through her partnership with Lifeshape, Toni's vision for C.I.T. is being realized. Today, in multiple communities in Metro Atlanta children are beginning to learn, grow and succeed through the programs and services offered by C.I.T. "The children’s grades are improving. Parents, teachers, and volunteers have reported the children’s behavior has improved; community relationships are being formed. Parents are being more active in the schools. Church members and after school families are forming relationships. Some after-school families are even visiting the church.” -[Toni] Toni has been a NAMB missionary since 2002. In November 2008, Tim Cummings of Whirlwind Missions introduced Joe, Scott Sr and Toni and suggested to them that they team up to serve an apartment community in Lithonia, GA. Now Toni and Joe has added Judy Mckinley to their team. Together Toni, Joe and Judy presently serve in four different apartment Communities in Atlanta. There are still other communities interested in the programs and services now offered by CIT and CMS but there is also a great need for faithful volunteers. Please pray for Toni as she seek to obey God’s call to love and serve others. Pray for her Protection and safety. For Financial provision both personal and for doing the work of serving others through Communities in Transformation.

Please Pray for The Maple Walk Community

Our Friends at Audubon Communities in Metro Atlanta - Maple Walk in Decatur, recently lost one of their buildings to a Fire. Please remember them in your prayers. Ten (10) families were displaced as a result. We are also in need of a few more volunteers to serve in this particular community. If you would like to help us in any way please call: 770-776-6260 let us minister healing to them according to Jesus' direction. (please leave us a message if no one is available to answer your call) We are planning to start the after School program at this location soon but We do need additional volunteers.

Play Time at Audubon Brooks/Spring Break

Pastor Jeff Easley and Members of Legacy Community Church of Stockbridge GA. (Gerri, Mark, Kola, Michelle). Thank you for sharing the love of Jesus with us and our friends at Audubon Brooks Apartments. We enjoyed having you with us and being such good sports in playing with the children. We are trusting God to build strong bonds with Churches like yours who are interested in addressing the moral decay in our society and engaging our culture with truth from God. Many of our communities need the message of reconciliation with God to give them a firm Hope for today with strength for a future of good success. As you well know, the needs are not only spiritual, but social, material and varied. Again we thank you and look forward to your participation with us going forward.

Valintines "International Show Your Love Day"

What can I say about love? It is wonderful to love and be loved. It's the greatest thing to experience love without conditions. We are so thankful to God for His love for us. For God so loved ....John 3:16. This love from God in turn gets spread into our hearts by His Spirit which He has given to us. When we demonstrate His love to others we show that we are His Children. It does not matter what we do, what we Give or what's the cost, unless we are motivated by true godly love it has no eternal value. Let us love in truth and demonstrate it.
We are grateful for the privilege we had of sharing valentines with the Children and Families at Audubon Brooks-Rockdale Community. We hope everyone had as wonderful a time as we did. A Special thank you to The community management team, The Families and Children who participated, all our volunteer Partners and The First Baptist Church of Conyers. We look forward to partnering with you again in the near future. We love because God first loved us!

PRAY! - For our Leaders and for our Children

As we embrace new challenges of change that is taking place in our nation and in the World, let us commit ourselves to do at least one thing every day: PRAY.. Why?

(1) Because we want to live a life of Peaceful relationship with others. "I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth. (1Timothy 2:1-4 NLT)

(2)We have a model given to us for receiving God's assistance. "Pray like this: 'Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us today the food we need,and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us. And don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one." (Matthew 6:9-13 NLT)

(3)It is the one thing that makes everything else that we do effective. "Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted. Unless the Lord protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good." (Psalms 127:1 NLT)

As we face down the many great and complex challenges: personal ones. National ones. International ones. Lord God hear us! Lord God Help us! Lord God Save us! not because of our righteousness but because of Jesus'! it is in his name I pray, Amen.